Language in Brunei


Standard Malay, the language spoken by the ethnic Malays, who make up over 65% of Brunei's population,[1] is the official language of Brunei.[2] However, the most widely spoken language in Brunei is Brunei Malay, which differs greatly from Standard Malay in areas like pronunciation, lexis and syntax.[3] In addition, there are many other Malay dialects spoken by indigenous communities,[3] such as Dayak and Iban.[2] Usage of such Malay dialects has been on the decline due to assimilation of such ethnic culture with the mainstream culture; some varieties of these dialects are at risk of becoming extinct.[3]

English language is also used in Brunei.[2] It is taught at both primary and secondary levels in Brunei schools and frequently seen in street signage throughout the country.[2] Mandarin Chinese, the language used by the sizable minority Chinese community, is widely used as well.[4] Although not officially recognized, the language is taught at certain Chinese-run schools and as an elective subject at the state-run Universiti Brunei Darussalam.[4] Chinese dialects such as Hokkien are commonly spoken in the Chinese community,[4] although their usage has been declining as the younger generation pick up Mandarin Chinese at the expense of dialects


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