Cuisine of Brunei

 Brunei’s cuisine is a unique mix of rich indigenous culture, an intensely tropical climate, a love for seafood, the enjoyment of spices, and the blending of cultures from Indonesia to India to China to England.

Whether you prefer sweet or savory, meat or veggie, Brunei has something to offer. Because Brunei is remotely located from most of the world, you’ll almost certainly encounter a dish you’ve never seen or heard of before.

In this travel guide, we’ll explore the cuisine of Brunei.

We’ll cover the four influences which define Bruneian cuisine, Brunei’s staple dishes, Ambuyat (the national dish), Nasi Katok (the national fast food), popular street foods, snacks, desserts and drinks, plus some helpful tips about Bruneian customs and where to find these foods once you’re in Brunei.


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